Friday, March 4, 2011



Kristina Febriani
1 Information System, Yayasan Bina Nusantara
Jl Anggrek, jakarta
Email :

Today every people want to get all their needs with quick and easy. In this case we consider implementing database of selling transaction process in the modern market (supermarket).so we want to make database to support the system. like makes the simple design of database about transaction process of buying and selling in this supermarket, Last phase is the database application of this can applied or no, be determined by success of doing implementation process and testing. Make DataBase application in a market for make easy all transaction proses and reporting. It make form analisis, design and implement data base.
For suggestion this application can run with application like dekstop appliacation and web application. And make the market web base so customer can purcase all thing form home or everywhere they want. So it become delivery service or take purcase good in the shop, it depen custumer need

Keywords: Transaction, Manage Data, Database

1 Introduction

Today every people want to get all their needs with quick and easy. In this case we consider implementing database of selling transaction process in the modern market (supermarket). Because of that, we want to make database management system as business application in the supermarket. This database management system is made for help and to make easily selling process. Like make transaction process, report of all transaction that has made, and the run of data transaction process. In technological epoch that problems can finalized by the way of doing storage in Database. Database is interacting data aggregate and can be accessed all user. For development of a project is obliged to apply Database. With Database the related to data can be done. Like making tables, fills data in tables, looks for data required swiftly through feature which is available, storage of data which regular, and makes report about the data. In this duty writer makes the simple design of database about transaction process of buying and selling in this supermarket, Last phase is the database application of this can applied or no, be determined by success of doing implementation process and testing


2.1 Existing System
First the market just used book to note their product for the selling process, they not used database system yet. In past supplier ship product into then customer buy the producrt from Employee.
Now the owner wants to make database system to manage all the product and transaction process in this market. He want make the data centralized for easy to manage the transaction and database flow. This database management system made for help and make easily selling process. Like transaction process, report of all transaction that has made, and the run of data transaction process
Picture 1: Existing system

2.2 Envisioned system
This Market requires computerized systems that provide an effective method of selling, keeping details and shipment transaction process detail. The owner realized that with growth in business, it will become difficult to manually maintain the product inventory. It also wants to include information about selling, employee, warehouse and supplier transaction process. To fulfill this need, the store management makes database management system. To manage all the assignment the store project team needs to perform the following task.
This market have Suplier details database whenever ordered some product than supplier ship product into market. Than it will save the details report into database.
Customer wil buy some product, than VegeShop will make some calculation detail,save it into VegeShop database and make transaction report (notta) for customer and for market data.
Employees have job to serve customer and manage database as administrator. They manage all the trasaction process details and other details like product, supplier, employee details.

Picture 2: Envisioned system


2.3 Design of Market Database in ER Diagram

This is design database that will maked in this market to make easy the implementation system

Picture 3: ER Diagram


This is the testcase that used in market applikation.

 The application database design Idea: in this case the applicarion idea will mach with market owner, will be mach or not.
 Database design dan all component support it : this case, will sycronise idea and all application desin.
 Document manual: make sure that the manual document mach with all application case and design and of course easy to understand.
 User Interface: make sure that application user friendly so the application easy to used.
 Testing and Debugging: in this case invlove developer and tester (tester can be user and developer). It will debug and test. Make sure that all transaction and all fuction run well. Fix it when found error until application clean form error.
 Try application: lauch application and setting all need and try application so it can run well.

After do all test and there is no error debug. Then lauch and setting in the market. This is a simple application that can help user and market to make all transaction become easy.


Make DataBase application in a market for make easy all transaction proses and reporting. It make form analisis, design and implement data base.
For suggestion this application can run with application like dekstop appliacation and web application. And make the market web base so customer can purcase all thing form home or everywhere they want. So it become delivery service or take purcase good in the shop, it depent custumer need.

[1] NIIT. 2004. Software Development Live Cicle. Delhi : NIIT

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